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Annual Testing


- Chapter 24 of the City of San Antonio's Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code

- Chapter 34 of the City of San Antonio Code of Ordinances

- SAWS Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention Control Program. 


SAWS may or may not send out reminder notices regarding the annual testing of external and internal backflow assemblies on a quarterly basis.

We mail out reminders thru snail mail and email.

In order to satisfy testing requirements, the following must be completed:

  • Testing of an irrigation backflow prevention assembly must be performed by a licensed backflow tester.

  • Testing of a backflow assembly on a "fireline" service must be tested by a licensed fireline tester.

  • Testing of a backflow assembly on a recycled water service must be tested by a company authorized to test recycled water.

  • All testing coordination must be organized between the customer and the tester.

SAWS also sends out a letter titled "Companies Employing Licensed Testers of Backflow Prevention Assemblies". This letter is sent out only to help the homeowner find a licensed tester.

Our company is located in the "General Testers" section. 

Our company is located in the "General Testers" section. 

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